Alert today… Alive tomorrow

Facing the ongoing spread of COVID 19 throughout Victoria & NSW reminds us all of the need to be more vigilant than ever. As more schools close today in NSW we need to ensure that OOSH COVID plans are adhered to strictly.
Measures to prevent the spread include:
· Educators or Children who are sick with influenza-like symptoms, even with mild symptoms, should not attend OOSH.
· If a child or Educators becomes unwell while they are at the service, they should be sent home.. A child should be isolated form other children until a parent/Guardian can collect them.
· Continue heightened hygiene practices for all Educators and children
· limit any visitors.
· Washing hands frequently is the most effective way to reduce the spread of gems and the COVID 19 virus.
· Alcohol-based hand gel is a suitable alternative if there is easy access to water.
· Continue with robust infection control and cleaning procedures. In response to a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 the service should follow existing protocols for cleaning and disinfection for outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness/gastroenteritis outbreaks.
· Cancel any planned activities outside of the service, during after school care. Think wisely about any excursions during Vacation Care. You may want to consider open spaces and places in your locality. E.g park lands..
· Ensure all Educators have now had the influenza vaccine.
· Consider use of face-masks for Educators who are in the ``at risk” category.
· Restrict parents access to the service and only allow essential deliveries in a COVID safe way. Continue pick up at the gate.
Based on information from NSW Health
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