Our Fees


An annual membership fee is charged to every family when they enrol or re-enrol at the centre each year, this is a non-refundable membership fee payable to cover the administration costs of enrolment and re-enrolment.

Membership fees are $50.00 per family.


The Centre is run on a “Not for Profit” basis and therefore fees will be kept minimal while ensuring appropriate and substantial funding.

Morning Season
Permanent Booking
for as little as
per child
Casual Booking
$18.70 per child
Afternoon Season
Permanent Booking
for as little as
per child
Casual Booking
$28.00 per child


Daily fee $70.00 per day. Fees apply as below.

  • Incursion / Excursion Days - These costs will vary depending on the Incursion / Excursion.

The Family Membership fee must be paid to enrol in Vacation Care, if you haven’t already joined at the beginning of the year.


Statements are issued every fortnight on the Tuesday and the fees are deducted 2 days later on the Friday.
Direct Debit (Bank Account) – $0.88 per transaction
Direct Credit (Credit Card) – Visa/Mastercard 1.87% of the transaction, Amex/Diners 4.4% of the transaction
Families can change/update their chosen payment method/details by completing a new direct debit authorisation from and uploading it into their child’s enrolment form.


If you collect your child after 6:00pm, you may be charged a late collection fee of $15.00 for every 15 minutes (rounded up to nearest 15-minute block) to cover the cost of the staff who need to stay at the centre with your child. Parents who are late 3 times a term will automatically have their after-school care position put on hold, until further notice.


It is very important that the Centre is notified by phone call, answering machine, SMS or by email that a child is going to be absent.  If the Centre is not notified that a child is not attending the Centre, a non – notification fee of $15.00 will be charged. This fee is charged for the administration time that it takes for Educators to contact families to see why their child has not attended the centre for aftercare sign in.

If the child’s parents/carer can’t be contacted half an hour after the session has commenced, it is procedure that the Police and school Principle are to be contacted and a search commenced until the child is accounted for. We understand parents are busy and may just forget to tell us, but that child whom is listed on our rolls is our responsibility for that afternoon.


  • If parents wish to cancel their child’s enrolment at The BPCC they are required to provide TWO (2) WEEK’S notice in writing in order to have fees waived. Failure to do so will result in full fees being charged.
  • If parents wish to change their child’s bookings at The BPCC during school term, they are required to provide TWO (2) WEEK’S notice via a SMS or email in order to have fees waived. Failure to do so will result in full fees being charged.
  • Families can suspend their session(s) for the duration of a term. To suspend sessions families must apply in writing by the end of week 5 of the previous term for administration and processing. This will allow the centre to offer these sessions as temporary bookings to families on the waitlist.
  • Vacation care days are booked through the online booking system; My Family Lounge. Once booked, cancellations to vacation care days are not accepted. Cancellation of vacation care days will incur the vacation care daily fee as well as any incursion or excursion costs for the day. If a parent wishes to ADD additional days at a later date, this is also done through My Family Lounge and is subject to availability
  • Please see the Director to make any alternative arrangements.


Families attending BPCC can claim the Childcare Subsidy (CCS) if they are eligible.  

Please ensure you provide the below information when you enrol as information is needed to link your attendance with your CCS to be entitled to receive a rebate.

  1. Guardian registered to receive CCS
  2. Parent CRN
  3. Parent DOB
  4. Child/ren CRN
  5. Child/ren DOB