Dear Families,
The vacation care program is out for VIEWING ONLY on APP & WEB- WEEK 8 MONDAY 17TH MAR
Bookings will open - WEEK 9 – Monday 24th MAR 2025 - 10:00AM
If not fully booked, bookings will close off - WEEK 11 - Monday 7TH APR 2025
All bookings will need to be done via the My Family Lounge App.
Families can book a maximum of 3 days per week.
Once places are booked families will be charged for these days – no cancellations will be accepted.
Vacation care bookings are made through the "My Family Lounge" app, using the casual booking method, which will be available once bookings are open.
Please utilize a PC or an Apple device, alternatively, if you don’t have access to one of the above options you can visit the centre directly and use our computers for booking purposes once bookings are open. No phone bookings available.
In Centre Days - Daily Fee Per Day $70.00
Incursion / Excursion Days
These costs will vary depending on the incursion /excursion.
PERMISSION SLIPS need to be SIGNED before children leave the OOSH on excursion days – FAMILIES need to sign these at the CENTRE.
Our vacation care program is a collaboration of children’s suggestions. Children actively contribute to the planning of the program – in centre activities, incursions, excursions, arts & crafts, outdoor play/sports, Arvo tea menu & birthday suggestions.
When children actively contribute to the program, they are more likely to be engaged in play that responds to their interests, abilities and strengths. Collaboration with children means consulting with children in ways that are developmentally appropriate and meaningful to the child.
We have booked the Hatching Chicks Program for April School Holidays
(Chickens arriving Mon 14th April – Thu 24th April 2025)
Hatching Chicks will provide children with an Educational Program focused on watching and learning about eggs and Chicks and Ducklings Hatching, Growth & Care.
There is a possibility that children who have egg allergies, could be affected by participating in the hatching program.